Custom Built Creations

Katon's journey into wood working began as child helping his father build household projects to running a cabinet shop by his early twenties.

My dad used to build my brother and I anything we wanted. Anything from wooden swords to beds and dressers. He never went and bought anything if he could build it and that's a trait that has been passed onto me. If it is made with wood and it's in my house then I most likely built it.

When I was 14 I met a man named Tracy Morris. He was a master craftsmen and cabinet shop owner, who took me under his wing as a mentor and passed down his knowledge. I went to work in his custom cabinet shop from 2002-2011 and learned everything about millwork, cabinets, and renovating homes. My nine years of experience working at cabinet world solidified my passion for creating things with my own two hands.

Now I'm working to build a future for my wife and daughter with these hands and a mind that doesn't quit. If you want something built, I'll make it happen one way or another.

I always do everything to the best of my ability